
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2023


The impo (1)keep going until you reach the big white building on your right(1) rtance of education in our lives cannot (2)help  you  me  me can  excuse(2)  be overstated. Education not only equi (3)map a  can me  you  on  show(3) ps us with knowledge and skills necessa (4)its just around the corner across from the library(4) ry for personal and professional growth (5)help  you  me  me can  excuse(5) , but also helps us develop critical th (6)ahead go straight(6) inking, problem-solving abilities, and  (7)help  you  me  me can  excuse(7) creativity. It opens up opportunities f (8)keep going until you reach the big white building on your right(8) or better employment, higher income, an (9)the  street cross(9) d a better standard of living. Educatio (10)the  street cross(10) n is not limited to classrooms and text (11)and yours(11) books, but also includes learning from  (12)he has a new phone(12) experiences and interactions with other (13)i am an accountant(13) s. It can also broaden ou


The  (1)help  you  me  me can  excuse(1) sun was setting over the horizon, cas (2)its just around the corner across from the library(2) ting a golden glow over the landscape (3)the  street cross(3) . The birds were singing their evenin (4)cross the street and youll see the movie theater(4) g songs, and a gentle breeze rustled  (5)map a  can me  you  on  show(5) the leaves of the trees. It was a pea (6)direction lost  right  you  in  point  the  me  im can(6) ceful moment, a moment of stillness a (7)keep going until you reach the big white building on your right(7) nd reflection. In the distance, a tra (8)its on your left next to the post office(8) in whistle sounded, breaking the sile (9)keep going until you reach the big white building on your right(9) nce and reminding me of the world bey (10)map a  can me  you  on  show(10) ond. But for that moment, I was conte (11)help  you  me  me can  excuse(11) nt to simply be, to watch the sunset  (12)help  you  me  me can  excuse(12) and appre


you'll  see  the  cross street  movie  and  theater. the  right. your  reach  big  until  you  keep building  on  going  the  white  it's on  your  left,  next  to  the  post  office. across  the  from  just  library. the  around  it's corner,  it's  tallest  you building  in  it,  can't  the  miss  area. the  help  you  me,  me? can  excuse direction? lost.  right  you  in  point  the  me  I'm can  map? a  can me  you  on  show  ahead. go straight  the  street. cross


excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking for the museum. could you tell me how to get to the nearest gas station? do you know the way to the train station from here? I'm lost. can you point me in the right direction to the restaurant? which way should I go to get to the supermarket? is there a pharmacy near here? I need to buy some medicine. can you show me on a map how to get to the park? go straight ahead until you see the bank on your left. turn left at the traffic light and keep going straight. take the second road on the right and you'll find the store.

Audio listening



Volver al temario Tema 3: ASK AND GIVE DIRECTIONS . PREGUNTA Y DA DIRECCIONES.                               Audio general 4.3. CLASS 1. CLASE 1. VOCABULARY. VOCABULARIO.                                        Audio 4.3.1 TURN LEFT TURN RIGHT GO STRAIGHT CROSS ROAD LANDMARK GIRA A LA IZQUIERDA GIRA A LA DERECHA VE DERECHO CRUCE DE CAMINOS PUNTO DE REFERENCIA AVENUE STREET ROAD BLOCK AVENIDA CALLE CAMINO MANZANA GRAMÁTICA A continuación se dará algunas expresiones útiles para pedir y dar direcciones: ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS. PEDIR DIRECCIONES.                                          Audio 4.3.2 1. Excuse me, can you help me?     ¿Perdón, puedes ayudarme? 2. Could you tell me how to get to...?     ¿Podrías decirme como llegar a ...? 3. Do you know the way to...?     ¿Conoces el camino a ...? 4. I'm lost. Can you point me in the right direction?     Estoy perdido. ¿Puedes señalarme la dirección correcta? 5. Which way should I go to get to...?     ¿Cuál camino debería yo


The r (1)who am i(1) apid development of technology has led to a  (2)who is that person(2) significant transformation in the way we liv (3)who am i(3) e, work, and communicate. Today, we are more (4)she is my girlfriend(4)  connected than ever before, and information (5)who is with you(5)  is readily available at our fingertips. The (6)my favorite food is encebollado(6)  rise of social media and other digital plat (7)who am i(7) forms has also created new opportunities for (8)you need to feed your baby(8)  businesses to reach and engage with their c (9)im an angel(9) ustomers. However, with these advancements c (10)who am i(10) ome new challenges, such as privacy concerns (11)what am i for you(11) , cyber threats, and the need to constantly  (12)what are you(12) adapt and innovate. As we continue to naviga (13)that is my brother(13) te this ever-evolving landscape, it's import (14)fedra and her boyfriend are nice(14) ant to stay informed and be proactive in add (15)who is that pers


Mindfuln (1)the client would like to reschedule the call for next week(1) ess is the practice of being fully pres (2)the receptionist confirms the appointment with the doctor(2) ent and engaged in the current moment, (3)the client would like to reschedule the call for next week(3) without judgment or distraction. It is (4)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(4) a valuable skill that can improve menta (5)she posts updates on Facebook about her vacation(5) l, emotional, and physical well-being. (6)she left her phone at home and missed the call(6) By focusing on the present, we can redu (7)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(7) ce stress and anxiety, improve decision (8)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(8) -making, and enhance our overall qualit (9)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(9) y of life.  Research shows that mindf (10)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sen


In today's (1)the sales manager arranges a meeting for tomorrow morning(1) interconnected world, communication is key. Whether it's in our personal or professi (2)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(2) onal lives, we rely heavily on communication to connect with others and get things d (3)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(3) one. That's why it's so important to develop strong communication skills.  Effecti (4)the client would like to reschedule the call for next week(4) ve communication involves more than just speaking clearly and articulately. It also (5)i chat with my friend on Facebook Messenger every morning(5) requires active listening, empathy, and the ability to read nonverbal cues. By under (6)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text messages(6) standing the needs and perspectives of those we communicate with, we can better tail (7)he prefers to talk on the phone instead of sending text m


1. Reschedule call for next week. 2. Send important documents via email. 3.He prefers phone over text messages. 4. Talk on phone instead of sending messages. 5. Schedule sales meeting for tomorrow. 6. Schedule doctor's appointment for Friday. 7. Cancel meeting because of emergency situation. 8. Use Facebook Messenger to chat with friends. 9. Use Instagram to showcase new products. 10. Confirm doctor's appointment via phone.


1. He suggests a meeting tomorrow. 2. Confirm appointment with the doctor. 3. Schedule meeting for next Monday. 4. Use email to send documents. 5. Coordinate project with Telegram group. 6. Chat with friends on Messenger. 7. Use Instagram to showcase products. 8. Receptionist confirms client's appointment. 9. Schedule meeting at 2 PM. 10. Use WhatsApp to confirm meeting.


Volver al temario Tema 2: MAKE PLANS WITH SOMEONE . HACER PLANES CON ALGUIEN.                               Audio general 4.2. CLASS 1. CLASE 1. VOCABULARY. VOCABULARIO.                                          Audio 4.2.1 To schedule a meeting To arrange a meeting To suggest a date and time To confirm Programar una reunión Organizar una reunión Sugerir una fecha y hora Confirmar To reschedule To cancel Would like Would be Reprogramar Cancelar Gustaría Sería/estaría GRAMÁTICA En esta serie de oraciones, vamos a practicar algunos verbos y expresiones relacionados con la planificación y organización de reuniones. Usaremos verbos como "programar" (to schedule), "organizar" (to arrange), "sugerir" (to suggest), "confirmar" (to confirm), "reprogramar" (to reschedule) y "cancelar" (to cancel). Además, utilizaremos algunas expresiones útiles como "gustaría" (would like) y "sería/estaría" (would be) p