Sarah woke up early on a Monday morning to catch the train to her (1)school(1). As she was getting ready, she noticed that (2)the lamp above the table(2) was flickering. She made a mental note to fix it when she returned home.

As she walked to the train station, she passed a (3)dog(3) tied to a (4)tree(4). The dog wagged its tail as Sarah walked by, and she couldn't help but smile. She wondered if the dog was waiting for its owner to come back.

When she got to the train station, she saw a (5)picture(5) of the school's mascot hanging on the wall. It was a bird perched on a tree, with the (6)school's(6) name underneath. Sarah thought it was a cute picture and took a quick snap on her phone.

On the (7)train(7), she sat next to a woman who had a cat carrier on her lap. The cat was sleeping on a (8)mat(8) inside the carrier. Sarah loved cats, and she couldn't resist asking to pet it. The woman happily obliged, and Sarah spent the rest of the journey stroking the cat.

When Sarah got off the train, she saw her friend waiting for her (9)at the bus stop(9). She waved and ran over to her. "Hey, sorry I'm late," Sarah said. "My train was delayed."

"No worries," her friend replied. "Let's go. We don't want to keep the others waiting at the school."

As they walked to the school, they passed by a beautiful garden. (10)The flowers in front of the door(10) were in full bloom, and Sarah couldn't help but stop to take a picture.

Once they reached the school, Sarah's friend went to her class, and Sarah went to hers. As she settled into her seat, she looked out the window and saw a plane flying (11)above the clouds(11). She wondered where it was going and what adventures lay ahead.

Overall, it was a typical Monday morning for Sarah, with its ups and downs, but she felt grateful for the small moments of joy that she encountered along the way.


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