Tema 8.1: Reading. Present simple. Yes/no questions with main verbs. Tag questions.
Practica la lectura del siguiente texto y luego responde las preguntas:
Water Treatment Process
"In a water treatment plant, many important steps are involved. First, the pump moves water through the pipes to the reservoir. The tank stores the water until it's ready for further processing. Do you think the filter can clean the water without problems? The reactor treats the water by breaking down contaminants. Does the valve control the flow correctly? If the sensor detects any issues, the system will alert the operators anytime. Without the boiler, the water cannot be heated to the necessary temperature. The meter measures the amount of water processed. The system keeps running smoothly, as the workers care about the maintenance. Until the final stage, the water is carefully monitored to ensure the quality. If everything works well, the water is ready to supply the city. Later, the workers will check the equipment, especially the pump and filter, to make sure the system is working properly. Father always says that proper maintenance is key. "
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