
A continuación se muestra un texto con campos en blanco que debes llenar utilizando las palabras convenientes que están en la siguiente lista

hospitality - explore - greetings - hello - valued - essential - resident - surprised - city - visitor - colleagues - situations - name - member - friend - handshake - time - hi - cheerful - learn - daily - strangers - vibrant - someone - mornings - smile - welcome - interactions - family - home

Texto con campos de entrada

Hi there! I'm thrilled to introduce myself to you. My is Ariday, and I come from the vibrant city of Wisconsin. In our city, greetings are an part of our daily interactions. We have a variety of ways to greet each other, depending on the situation and the time of day. For instance, in the , it's common to hear cheerful 'good mornings' exchanged among neighbors and as they start their day. As the day progresses, 'hello' or 'hi' becomes the go-to greeting, accompanied by a smile or a nod.If you're meeting for the first time, a firm handshake and a warm 'nice to meet you' are customary. But if you're greeting a friend or a family , a hug or a kiss on the cheek might be more appropriate. We take pride in our friendliness and hospitality, so don't be if strangers greet you with a friendly smile as you explore our city. Living here has taught me the importance of making others feel and valued through simple gestures of kindness. So, whether you're a visitor or a new , expect to be greeted warmly and made to feel right at home in our wonderful city. Thanks for taking the time to a bit about where I'm from!


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